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In-clinic effectiveness platform for medical representatives.

In-clinic effectiveness platform for medical representatives.


  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is the fourth largest speciality generic pharmaceutical company in the world with global revenues of over US$ 4.5 billion
  • Supported by over 36,000 employees and more than 40 manufacturing facilities in the world
  • Sun Pharma provides high-quality, affordable medicines in more than 100 countries across the globe


  • Difficulty in measuring the in-clinic effectiveness of sales executives
  • Reduce onboard time for new sales representatives
  • Need of a practise-oriented platform for the sales team
  • Getting a holistic overview of the entire sales team’s performance

Approaching the solution

  • Awarathon’s interactive and engaging offerings for medical executives and managers helped them to prepare, practice, and perform well in a risk-free controlled environment
  • Realistic in-clinic situations were set with a sufficient number of reattempts so that each participant could practice multiple times
  • The manual assessment feature allowed each manager to share constructive feedback with their team members
  • The learning and development team got to know where their sales representatives were lacking and what aspects of the sales process required improvement so they could re-strategize their sales approach
  • Awarathon video assessments were rolled out across multiple divisions. Right from their sales executives to the top management, everyone participated in the assessment
  • Awarathon received positive feedback from all the business heads at Sun Pharma. After initially leveraging the platform with just 2 divisions at the pilot stage, Sun Pharma has successfully rolled out the Awarathon for all India business verticals

Difference made

  • There has been a significant enhancement in the performance of new hires
  • Refinement in the sales pitch and boosted confidence of sales executives has resulted in improved in-clinic effectiveness
  • More than 80% adoption from each division
  • More than 90% of similarities found between managers’ feedback and real-time AI-enabled reports

Optimize sales success by aligning learning and upskilling with your goals through Awarathon.