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Best Sales Role Play Exercises to Know


Best Sales Role Play Exercises to Know

The sales roleplay exercise is one of the most proven ways. The classic sales teams used to help their sales reps prepare for real-world buyer interactions. Unfortunately, many organizations often ignore it as they don’t see value in executing these in their sales process. But sales roleplay exercise is one of the essential aspects when it comes to achieving better sales outcomes. Sales coaching is one thing, and performing sales roleplay exercises is another. You have to practice and execute your learnings, without which the coaching is theoretical learning and nothing else.
Sales reps work from home these days; there’s been some fundamental shift of activities from traditional practices to virtual ones. For example, suppose your organization is generating fewer leads as compared to earlier. In that case, it is even more significant that no matter where the sales reps work, you need to validate their true potential. So, the lead takes the action of buying, and the sale is close.
Technologies such as video roleplay platforms with enhanced video functionalities. Plus, other sales-readiness features, video conferencing, collaboration tools, and content management will ensure effective roleplay. Therefore, these platforms also help recreate the in-person talks that reps often depend on for tips and tricks on handling selling situations.
In today’s read, we will list down the various sales roleplay exercises to train your sales executives to perform better no matter how they work.

Sales Role Play Exercises

Handling Objections
When handling objections, it is one of the most challenging tasks for reps to respond. You can create sales roleplay exercises that include common objections that the team receives or practice a current scenario the sales rep has encountered.
A video sales coaching tool makes it comfortable to address the issue for multiple sales executives. Hence, the sales managers should observe a sales executive’s ability to transform the objection and explore why the buyer prefers the status quo to enable specific feedback during an in-person roleplay exercise.
By resolving the query to many sales reps via video coaching, you can also capture the best responses & share them with the team to better learn and share opportunities between peers. Hence a sales rep must practice using video roleplay platforms to master objection handling.

Managing Negotiations
Negotiation comes through experience, but you can close the deal at a loss if you are not ready to negotiate well as a sales rep. So, to practice these scenes, a roleplay simulation or demo illustration can be created. Also, understand how competitors price themselves and their best offering price to understand better and perspective. Managers should inform and update their sales executives with the final/ last quote they can share with the buyer so that no deal is closed in loss or minimum profits. Finally, there should be a negotiation strategy, a long-term purchase plan with a better offer or one payment, etc. Again, this can either be done through a live video conference or video role play platforms.

Explore More
The exploration process will be effective if sales reps understand the art of asking the right questions to confirm information that you heard. As exploring is crucial for moving deals ahead, you want to ensure your sales executives have those sales skills.
Generating various roleplays for each single sales rep assists in building their discovery skills. In addition, the video coaching tasks can be arranged it because you can then ask each sales rep to display their response to client personas with different trigger points. The sales managers/ supervisors should illustrate that they can provide solutions to problem identification/Buyer’s company/ Current situation & Industry domain. You, as a sales rep, must summarize the biz challenge using sales methods. You can also design role playgroups through video coaching to help sales reps navigate certain common discovery scenes.

Understanding the competition
Multiple challenges can arise when you’re contesting with an opponent during the sales process, mainly because many businesses and markets have new players entering all the time and improving the landscape. Sales Enablement Platforms assist in ensuring reps are up to date when a customer asks them about competition. Many sales reps repeatedly come across a competitor. That offers a similar product offering at affordable pricing but with fewer abilities. Create a video group coaching task or ask the sales executive to act likewise per the scenario in their next meeting. The solution is to understand if sales executives can highlight the potential of your product’s abilities and how they will help determine the buyer’s business objections. Hence, the best acknowledgment can be added to the coaching course that incorporates critical information about this rival or basically by asking the sales executives who presented the most suitable to act out the situation in your next live or virtual practice session.

The Buyer personas
Understanding your buyer personas and having productive conversations with each of them is essential for your sales executives to practice and master. Unfortunately, most of the sales reps miss this crucial part. To test sales executive abilities, conduct a roleplay requiring them to tailor communication to a different or challenging persona. You can also take the roleplay a step further. It can be done by asking sales executives to submit a video of themselves delivering a pitch. The sales pitch will be crafted exceptionally for marketing managers. On deciding how they could highlight your product areas to help that group reach their goals. It is where again, a sales enablement platform will assist you in terms of getting the practice right.

Finishing it with Style
A video roleplay platform is a must for practising, benchmarking, and forecasting multiple parameter aspects for your sales team. It is one of your sales team’s primary building blocks. To identify the various gaps like knowledge, skills, forecast, performance, soft skills, and product. There are multiple video roleplay platforms available in the market. But, when it comes to Awarathon, it is one of the affordable and feature-rich sales readiness and video roleplay platforms. It enables your team by providing you will all the relevant features. To improve your organization’s sales to the net level.